Thyme Herb Medicinal Uses

While you are probably familiar with the culinary uses of the Thyme herb, you
may be surprised to learn that Thyme has medicinal properties as well.
Used since ancient times as a remedy for respiratory disorders, it also offers
anti-viral, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antioxidant and disinfectant

While Thyme has long been used by natural health practitioners, it hasn't been
until recent years that science has began to study its many health benefits.
In a 2007 German study, scientists tested a syrup made of extracts of Thyme
herb and ivy on children and adolescents with acute bronchitis. Their study
concluded that a ten-day treatment of the syrup clearly improved symptoms
and, in some cases, cured the illness. Coughing decreased an average of 81.3%
by the tenth day of treatment. Of the 1,234 subjects in the study, only two
exhibited side effects, both of which were mild and temporary.

It's a common remedy for viruses. While traditionally used against the flu virus,
science has begun to explore other antiviral uses for the herb. There have been
several promising studies on the potential uses of Thyme against the Herpes
Simplex Virus.
Thyme Herb Medicinal Uses

Thymol, one of the compounds found in Thyme, is responsible for its antiseptic
properties. Now commonly found as the main ingredient in Listerine mouthwash,
it has long been used a natural antibiotic when bandaging wounds. When boiled
in water and cooled, it makes an effective gargle for treatment of sore throats.
Thyme herb is a potent anti-fungal medication. Its essential oil is often used for
this purpose. An anti-fungal rinse can be made by boiling Thyme in water and
allowing to cool before applying to the affected area. In a study, published in an
April 2009 issue of the Journal of Applied Microbiology, Thyme inhibited germ-
ination of a common plant fungus by approximately 94%.

When Turkish researchers studied the effects of essential oils against common
bacterias and yeast, Thyme was one of the essential oils tested. The study,
published in Foodborne Pathogens and Disease in April 2009, concluded that
Thyme was one of the most effective against bacteria and yeast, including E. coli,
Salmonella, and Candida.

Thyme herb is filled with flavenoids, including apigenin, naringenin, luteolin, and
thymonin. These flavenoids, in combination with the vitamins and minerals also
found in Thyme, make it a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants have been linked to
cellular health and rejuvenation.

After an illness has passed, you may wish to disinfect your home to prevent a return
of sickness. Because store-bought disinfectants are full of harmful chemicals you
might want to try a simple yet safe disinfectant made by filling a pot with water, the
juice of one lemon and a small handful of Thyme leaves. Boil for at least ten minutes,
allow to cool and then strain.

Tinctures, syrups, capsules, and essential oils can be purchased in most health food
stores. Teas can easily be concocted by simply boiling thyme and allowing to steep
ten minutes. While fresh or dried Thyme herb can be used in teas, for optimal benefits,
the fresh herb is best.

For educational purposes only, not intended as medical advice.
Check with your health care provider before adding any herbal supplement to your diet.